How To Use Wig Tape and Glue

How To Use Wig Tape and Glue

Do you feel self-conscious when you wear a wig? Some people are worried about their wig falling off during those windy days or when they are being hugged at gatherings and parties. Friends and family could end up tugging the back of your wig and moving it when they embrace you. Wig tapes and glues can be convenient since they help take all those worries away!

How To Apply Wig Glue

Lace Front Wig Melrose by Vivica Fox

Using wig tape and glue sounds easy enough, but having some detailed directions can prevent mistakes like tearing a wig's lace front or hurting your skin and hair. Read on to learn more about how to use wig tape and glue and how to effectively remove them without harming yourself or your wig!

How To Use Wig Tape

Why do people use wig tape? Wig tape can come in handy for any unattached areas around the face that could end up slipping back during high winds or when you move your face when you talk and eat. So, wig tapes can be applied underneath your wig to help secure it in place, allowing people to continue thinking your hair is natural.

Before you begin to use wig tape and glue, you should know that you shouldn’t use either option if you still have natural hair in the area you are applying it. Using wig tape and glue can pull out your hair and can become rather painful when you take it all off at the end of the day, so steer clear of bio hair!

Lace Front Wig Glue

Wig Tape For Polyurethane by Jon Renau

You can add the wig tape or glue anywhere you think are areas that are loose such as your front where your hairline is and the side tabs where you can line it up with your ears.

Here’s the process in applying these wig tapes:

  • First of all, you should clean the areas where you want to put the wig tape. You can use a Q-tip or cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol to help remove any particles that could prevent the tape from sticking to your skin. For those with sensitive skin, you might consider using a little bit of liquid band-aid to those sections to avoid any skin damages or other problems.
  • Cut two small strips of wig tape (about 2 inches wide) for the hairline section. 

Cutting Wig Tape

  • If your wig is already parted, apply them near those areas. Of course, only peel one side of the tape for now. However, it should be near the hairline but not too close to the edge it could show through your lace front. Keep in mind that the tape has to stick to your skin for it to work correctly.
  • Place the tape near the side tabs or anywhere else you feel might be too loose.

Applying Wig Tape

  • Then, when you are finally ready to put it on, peel away the other side of the tape and try not to touch it or get any pieces of wig hair on it.
  • Next, gently place the wig on your head and lightly get it in place. You should line it up with your hairline, but make sure it’s not too far back in front to make it more natural.
  • When you have it where you are satisfied with the positioning, you can apply pressure to the tape.
Applying Wig Glue

  • Remember, make sure the tape sticks to your skin and not your hairline areas. This will ensure it adheres good and it is secured enough for the day. 
  • Gently tug on different sections of the wig to see if it’s secured enough for you.
  • Finally, enjoy your wig for the rest of the day!

How To Remove Wig Tape

Do you know how to remove your wig? When you are done with it for the day, there is an effective way of removing the wig without tearing your skin or the wig. Use a spray bottle to spray a Q-tip with rubbing alcohol and gently lift the edge of your wig that didn’t have the tape.

You can very lightly go through with the Q-tip until it’s loose, but don’t force it or the wig lace could end up tearing. You can also spray the rubbing alcohol on a cloth to get the tape off the lace as well.

Removing Wig Tape

How To Apply A Lace Front Wig With Glue

Do you have sensitive skin or natural hair? Those with sensitive skin or natural hair won’t want to use wig glue since it can cause skin irritation and pull out those natural hairs.

Lace Front Wig Glue

Lace Front Wig Glue by Walker Tape

Here’s how to utilize wig glue to secure your wig:

  • First, start by cleaning those parts where you want to apply the glue. Clean it by using a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol along the hairline to remove those particles and oil on the skin. Cleaning the area will ensure the glue will stick to your skin.
  • Then, apply a thin layer of wig glue along the areas you want the glue. You can apply the glue to the front, sides, and back to make sure the wig will stick.
  • Read up on the type of glue you are using. Some will have you waiting for a little to let it dry a bit before putting the wig on.
  • Next, gently put your wig on your head and situate the wig where you want it. Lightly press down on the areas you applied the glue. Don’t forget to wait at least a full 10 minutes for it to dry properly before styling your hair.
  • Finally, have fun with your wig!

How To Remove Wig Glue

When you want to remove the wig later in the day or when you are turning in for the night, the removal process is effortless. The process is very similar to removing tape, just remember to always be gentle and patient when you take off your wig. No one wants to tear their high quality wig! If you have trouble removing the glue or tape, use a q-tip sprayed with rubbing alcohol and gently rub around the adhesive to help lift the product easier!

Removing Wig Glue

Having a secured wig can help you gain confidence back and just enjoy the wigs you absolutely adore. If you wear wigs, wig tape and wig glue might be for you. You will never know unless you try it, but always follow directions and get help if you are uncertain! You could damage your skin or your wig if you're not careful, and all of that can be prevented by following directions. Stay safe and enjoy!


Do you use wig tapes or adhesives? Tell us what works best for you in the comments!

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