How to Measure Your Head for A Wig

How to Measure Your Head for A Wig

Experienced wig wearers will tell you that it is essential to wear a wig that is both comfortable and secure. If you’re new to wigs, the right fit can make you forget you’re even wearing one! There’s a few steps you need to follow to find the right wig cap size for you. Learn how to measure your head for wigs below, and you’ll soon be on your way to finding your perfect size in no time.

What You’ll Need


Flexible Measuring Tape

Measurement Chart

CLICK HERE to download your measurement chart. Print it out so you can write in your measurements!

If you have biological hair, you will need to wrap it up. Use your preferred wrapping method just as if you were about to put on a wig for the day. See our Find Your Wig Size - Tutorial for a recommended way to wrap your hair to measure for wigs. If you are planning to wear any other accessories under your wig such as a liner or wig grip band, put those on as well before taking your measurements.

How to Measure Your Head for Wigs

To find your wig size, you’ll be taking the following measurements. Click the icons for more instruction on how to measure for each measurement:


Ear to Ear

Front to Back

Expert Tips:

1. Front Hairline

If you do not have hair at your front hairline, try using this method to establish where your front hairline would start. Straighten your hand and place your palm directly on your crown pointing your fingers forward to your forehead. Then, take your other hand and place that palm right in front of your nose pointing your fingers straight up to meet the fingertips on your other hand. Where your fingertips meet is where your natural hairline would be.

2. Nape Hairline

If you aren’t sure where you should place the tape at the nape, try tilting your head all the way back. Where the neck creases near the back hairline is where you should place the tape.

Measuring Head Circumference

To measure your head’s circumference, start at the center of your front hairline. Using your flexible tape measure, follow down the head towards one ear resting the tape measure where the top of your ear connects to the head. Then, wrap the tape around the back of your head lining up with your nape. 

Continue wrapping the tape to your other ear and then back to your front hairline. Record this measurement under the Circumference column on your wig measurement chart. 

Measure twice banner

Measuring Ear to Ear

To take your ear to ear measurement, you will first need to establish your “top of head” point. Starting at the center of your front hairline, measure 7” towards the back of your head. Where your tape measures’ 7” line sits is your “top of head” point.

Measure twice banner

Measure twice banner

Measuring Front to Back

For your front to back measurement, start at the center of your front hairline. Follow down the center of your head ending at your nape area. Record this measurement.

Expert Tip: Be sure to measure your head and record your measurements twice to ensure accurate results.

Continue wrapping the tape to your other ear and then back to your front hairline. Record this measurement under the Circumference column on your wig measurement chart.

Measure twice banner


Ear to Ear

Front to Back

Expert Tips:

1. Front Hairline

If you do not have hair at your front hairline, try using this method to establish where your front hairline would start. Straighten your hand and place your palm directly on your crown pointing your fingers forward to your forehead. Then, take your other hand and place that palm right in front of your nose pointing your fingers straight up to meet the fingertips on your other hand. Where your fingertips meet is where your natural hairline would be.

2. Nape Hairline

If you aren’t sure where you should place the tape at the nape, try tilting your head all the way back. Where the neck creases near the back hairline is where you should place the tape.

Measuring Head Circumference

To measure your head’s circumference, start at the center of your front hairline. Using your flexible tape measure, follow down the head towards one ear resting the tape measure where the top of your ear connects to the head. Then, wrap the tape around the back of your head lining up with your nape.
Continue wrapping the tape to your other ear and then back to your front hairline. Record this measurement under the Circumference column on your wig measurement chart.

Measure twice banner

Head Circumference Measurement
Circumference Ear to ear measurement Front to back measurements

To measure your head’s circumference, start at the center of your front hairline. Using your flexible tape measure, follow down the head towards one ear resting the tape measure where the top of your ear connects to the head. Then, wrap the tape around the back of your head lining up with your nape.

Continue wrapping the tape to your other ear and then back to your front hairline. Record this measurement under the Circumference column on your wig measurement chart.

Ear to Ear Measurement
Circumference Ear to ear measurement Front to back measurements

To take your ear to ear measurement, you will first need to establish your “top of head” point. Starting at the center of your front hairline, measure 7” towards the back of your head. Where your tape measures’ 7” line sits is your “top of head” point.

Top of head guide

Once you’ve noted your top of head point, start with your tape measure at the top of the ear where it connects to your head. Measure across the top of the head making sure the tape measure is on your top of head point. Continue measuring to your other ear. Record this measurement.

Front to Back Measurement
Circumference Ear to ear measurement Front to back measurements

For your front to back measurement, start at the center of your front hairline. Follow down the center of your head ending at your nape area. Record this measurement.

Expert Tip: Be sure to measure your head and record your measurements twice to ensure accurate results.

Continue wrapping the tape to your other ear and then back to your front hairline. Record this measurement under the Circumference column on your wig measurement chart.

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Determining Your Wig Cap Size

Compare your measurements with our wig size chart below. If you notice that your measurements indicate different sizes, always go with the largest measurement. If your largest measurement falls under the Petite category, then you are a petite wig size. 

Once you have determined your wig size, you can start browsing wigs by size! Wig caps are available in the following sizes:

Minor Fit Issues

If you’ve found your wig size using our how to measure chart, ordered a new wig style, and see that you have some minor fit issues, there’s a few adjustments you can make to solve this problem. If your wig has adjustable straps (most wigs do!), try adjusting those first.

Adjustable straps are added to your wig cap’s construction so that you can tighten and loosen your wig to fit securely and comfortably on your head. Your adjustable straps will be Velcro or a sliding buckle. Adjusting these straps can adjust your wig to allow for 1” - 1.5” more or less space in the cap. For example, if your wig is only a tiny bit loose, tightening of the straps can help with your wig fit.

Adjusting the straps will only solve minor fit problems. If your fit issue is not fixed by adjusting the straps, you will need to order another wig size. For best results, move up or down in wig size.

Since each brand’s cap construction varies slightly, you may have trouble finding your perfect size between brands. Read more tips on how to tell if your wig  fits properly here, Does My Wig Fit?

The right wig  cap size will make all the difference in your wig wearing experience. After following our steps above, you’re one step closer to feeling confident, comfortable, and secure in your wig all day long!

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