How Often Should I Wash My Wig?

How Often Should You Wash a Human Hair Wig?

So, we all know that you've got to take great care of your wigs. But when it comes down to it, a lot of us really don't know exactly how. Say it with me, we need guidelines! How often is too often to wash my wig, I mean let's face it, I spent enough money on a human hair wig that I want to make sure it lasts! So, here's what you need to know about wig washing and what's fact or fiction...


When To Wash A Human Hair Wig

You should wash a human hair wig about every 6-8 weeks, or 7-10 wears. Many people who wear human hair wigs daily, find this to routine to be successful in cool weather, and may wash more frequently in hot weather.


Washing Wig


If you use styling products like the shaping creme or hairspray on your wig every day, you'll need to wash and revitalize your wig more often than those who do not use products. Also, if you live in a very rainy or humid climate, you may also need to wash your wig more often.

Washing Wigs

Keep in mind the difference in human hair wigs and synthetic wigs! Always use the right products for your wig type!


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Because wigs do not have the benefit of natural oils like our own hair, the less you wash – the better! But wear your wig too long without washing it and it can look old and dingy. To refresh and wash your wigs (whether synthetic or human hair), use BeautiMark brand of shampoos, conditioners, and other styling products. 

More Wig Care Tips

Finally, here are some things to remember that everyone with a human hair wig needs to know:

1) Use hot air to help dry your wig sparingly. Though many wigs nowadays can be heat styled, it is always much safer during wig care to let them air dry.

2) Don’t shower with your wig on. Though it may seem like a time saver, the heat of the water may damage the netting and will break down the bonds of the hair to the cap.

3) Wig care takes time, so make sure that when it is time to wash your wig, you have time carved out to do it. It is also important to remember not to neglect your natural hair. Taking a day off can not just protect your wig but provide relief for your scalp and natural hair.

How often do you wash your human hair wig? Let us know in the comments! 
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  • Ma
    Marjorie Lara
    14 Nov, 2022

    Thanks for the information. I had a question: what if you wear a human hair wig everyday— how often should you wash it and can it be blow-dried and combed thereafter?

  • Th
    The Wig Experts
    14 Jun, 2023

    Hi Marjorie,

    That is a great question! If you are wearing your human hair wig every day, we recommend washing about every 7-10 wears. However, it just depends on when you feel it is needed.

    Yes, you can blow dry a human hair piece, and you will need to comb or brush it to style it as you want. We have provided a link with instructions on how to wash and restyle a human hair piece:

    We hope this was helpful!

  • He
    Heather wright
    25 Oct, 2022

    I’ve just been thinking about shaving my head and gluing a wig on my head. Just tired of my dry damaged frizzy hair and looking into this trying to educate myself on wigs before I get started. Thank you !

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