womens hair pieces

How Long Does Postpartum Hair Loss Last?

You just had a baby! Congratulations! You are in such an exciting time in your life. You have created this brand-new life and you are wholly responsible for its well-being. This baby is defenseless and trusts you completely. Earlier, when I said “exciting”, I should have added, “scary.” Don’t worry – if you’re scared, you’re doing it right. You got this. It will be stressful, but you’ll be okay. It will be frustrating and you will want to pull your hair out – but don’t!

 What Causes Postpartum Hair Loss?

What if you aren’t the cause of your hair loss though? Sure, you’re exhausted and haven’t had a decent meal in days. Why is your hair falling out though? Is it from stress? Does your hair need 8 hours of sleep at night? Is breastfeeding to blame?

No. It isn’t the stress or the late nights or the breastfeeding. It’s hormones. Insert groan here. Isn’t it always hormones? It can sure seem like it. Think back to pregnancy. Remember that luscious thick head of hair you were rocking? Thicker hair is a big advantage to pregnancy, but it’s a temporary one. What goes up must come down, ladies.

To explain, let’s go through a quick rundown of hair growth. WebMD lists the three phases of hair growth: anagen, catagen, and telogen.

  • Anagen is the phase when the hair is actively growing.
  • Catagen is the transition phase.
  • Telogen is the resting phase. Telogen is the phase where you eventually lose strands of hair.

When you’re pregnant, you are full of hormones, especially estrogen and androgen. These two hormones give you that full shiny head of hair that can make a pregnant woman just glow. It’s also what prevents most of your hair from shedding for nine months.

According to the American Pregnancy Association, telogen effluvium commonly happens between one and five months postpartum. Telogen effluvium is a mouthful, but it just means, “excessive shedding of hair.” All the hair you didn’t shed during pregnancy all decides to pack up and leave at the same time. This when new moms notice clumps of hair falling out.

Look, losing chunks of hair is unnerving. No one wants to experience that. There’s good news, though. It’s completely temporary. The American Pregnancy Association states postpartum hair loss peaks at three or four months postpartum. You’ll return to your normal hair growth cycle by six to 12 months postpartum. By the time your little one is having a first birthday party, your hair will be picture-ready.

If you find yourself self-conscious about your postpartum hair loss, you have plenty of options. Clip-in extensions can give you back volume while a hair topper can disguise any thin spots. A ponytail hairpiece or bun hairpiece is a quick solution during those hectic newborn days.

Hair Toppers and Hairpieces for Postpartum Hair Loss

Rampage by easihair

This wavy ponytail hairpiece is the perfect answer for your busiest mornings. Rampage by easihair clips in with a claw comb in seconds and you are ready to go!

Top Billing by Raquel Welch

If postpartum hair loss has your hair looking thin on top, try a topper! Top Billing by Raquel Welch is made of heat-friendly synthetic hair. It has a lace front and a monofilament top. It clips in easily and adds volume instantly, so it's easy to see why it's a best-seller!

14” easivolume by easihair

Clip-in extensions are a quick way to add volume and length. These 14” easivolume extensions by easihair are made of real human hair, so you can style it right along with your own hair. Honeycomb holes make this piece blend seamlessly!

The first few months postpartum are exciting. It’s emotional and overwhelming and hectic. Postpartum hair loss shouldn’t cause you distress in this special time of your life. While it’s a temporary problem, you can wear a hairpiece to transition you through the first year postpartum. A new mom should feel beautiful – and you can!


Did you experience postpartum hair loss? What helped you? Let us know in the comments!

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