Why I Prefer Wigs Over Toppers

Why I Prefer Wigs Over Toppers

The very first alternative hair video I ever watched was a review for a hair topper. I was blown away by the transformation of the woman in the video (who had thinning hair on top of her head) after she flipped on a topper and clipped it in. She was like a new person! She made it seem so easy, and it looked incredibly natural. So, I was convinced that I should wear a topper.

Trying Hair Toppers On For Size

After watching a lot of videos and mustering up the courage, I made an appointment with a local wig salon here in my city. At the time, I had my thinning, gray bio hair cut into a short, ear-length bob. When the representative at the salon asked me what kind of alternative hair I was looking for, I asked for a gray topper to match my present bio hair. I thought it would be best to cover the thinning and let some of my bio hair show through under it. It never occurred to me to wear a full wig or alternative hair of a different color than gray. As it turned out, the salon did not have a matching topper in my color (or even close). I did try on a couple of short wigs in my original brunette bio color, but I left the shop without a purchase. I really needed to think things through. 

As I learned more about hair toppers, I realized that most people who wear them actually have longer hair than mine was and generally not gray. Most hair toppers come in what I call the “younger girl colors”—shades of blonde, red, and brunette. 

Hair Toppers For Hair Loss

Also, it’s essential that a person wearing a topper have enough hair on top of their head to clip the topper in (without pulling on their bio hair). Toppers work very well for younger women or men with hair thinning that is in the early stages. 

Jon Renau Topper
Being that I won’t be coloring my hair again and I keep my hair about an inch tall all over my head (since I always wear a wig now), toppers aren’t really a viable alternative for me at this time. However, I love to recommend them to others who I know would be an excellent candidate. I think starting with a topper (if you are able) is a wonderful way to segue into wear alternative hair!

  Those are the reasons I prefer wigs over toppers!

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