18th Century Wig

18th Century Wigs

Wigs Throughout History | 18th Century

During 18th Century America, powdered wigs became the new trending fashion statement!  Fashion during the 18th Century was unique and overstated.  Successful, wealthy men were often seen in mid-length wigs with the hair pulled back in a ponytail.  The color of the powdered wigs was most commonly white or light grey.  Powdered wigs during this time were associated with social status, much like they had been in the past.  


18th Century Wigs


Powdered wigs were expensive and time consuming to create, leaving most people unable to afford them.  This attributed to their appeal, and many people who couldn't get their hands on a powdered wig would style their bio-hair in a way that resembled a powdered wig.  In the 18th Century, the process of powdering wigs was difficult and messy. The powder was used for a variety of reasons.  First of all, powder helps to absorb excess oil, and prevents wigs from appearing greasy.  Today, we use products like dry shampoo, which is a form of powder, to keep our wigs from looking shiny!


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The powder was scented to dilute any foul odors coming from the wig.  Toppers, or half-wigs, were also commonly seen during this time.  Women would use toppers to blend in with their bio-hair in order to create hairstyles.  Women's hairstyles during the 18th Century were less extravagant than men's, but that changed as the 18th Century came to an end.


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Although powdered wigs went out of style eventually, English officials still use them as a nod to the history of their country.  As time goes on, fashion trends come and go.  This is what started to happen with wigs in 19th Century America, when the popularity of wigs dwindled.

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