10 Steps To Elevate Your Inner Beauty and Hair Part 2

10 Steps To Elevate Your Inner Beauty and Hair Part 2

To read part 1 with the first 5 Steps to Elevate Your Beauty & Hair by Wigs.com's Brand Ambassador Roxie Spangler, click here. 


6. Elevate Your Style 

I love a wig that allows me to style it exactly how I want. I like waking up and getting myself ready, from head to toe. I don’t know about you, but styling my wig feels just like I am styling my hair.   


There are countless wigs with different textures, whether human hair or heat-friendly synthetic, trust me, the perfect one is waiting for you. Be sure to pick a wig that best suits your lifestyle. Human hair wigs can be costly, especially if you’re in the middle of paying for medical treatment. Heat-friendly synthetic wigs might be a better option. They give you that same feeling as your biological hair, with the best part being you can style and customize it how you want.  

Click here to watch my video on how to style heat-friendly synthetic wigs.


Don’t be afraid to change it up and add accessories, too! They can elevate your style and mood.  

Stepping Out Large by Gabor


7. "It’s a Wig, Not a Louis Vuitton." Wrong! 

It’s not just a wig; it’s a way of life. You want to take care of it just as you would a designer bag or pair of expensive shoes. 

If you want to display your beautiful wigs just as you would show your beautiful bags, then I'd recommend storing them on a wig head. And if you’re like me and change them out with the seasons, place them gently in their original packaging. 

Just a reminder that sometimes storing wigs for too long in their packaging or even a box will change how the wig takes shape. We call this “cold set,” meaning you’re left with hard-to-get-out bumps or crimps if stored improperly. So I always recommend taking your wigs out every so often, using a wig brush or comb to detangle if needed, and allowing the wig to breathe on its wig stand to reform its shape. Optimal storage is on a wig stand

Wig Tip:

To protect wigs and increase their longevity, regularly clean your styling tools. Tools may include combs and brushes or hot styling tools if you have a heat-friendly synthetic wig. Keeping your tools clean reduces the likelihood of dust, dirt, and residues transferring onto your wig. This means you can wash your wig less often and increase its longevity. 


8. Shine Away

As you shine away in your wig, the last thing you need is a shiny fake-looking wig. This look mainly occurs on synthetic and heat friendly-synthetic wigs. But the fix for this is simple. I like to use a dry shampoo formulated with rice or cornstarch to absorb oil and moisture from the hair. Spray it on the top of your wig, let it sit for a couple of minutes, then comb through. Dry shampoo will also come in handy if you need it throughout the day. The one downside is that it can change the color of your wig and make it look deluded. So make sure you don’t overdo it–a little goes a long way.  If you are using any product, make sure that it is specifically designed for wigs.  I love washing and caring for my wigs with BeautiMark Products because I know that it's safe for all my wigs.  

How to Reduce Shine on Synthetic Wigs


9. Confidence Comes With a Sense of Who You Are

Shopping for the right wig can often be tedious. But I say it’s all that you make of it. Positive thinking calls for a positive outcome. The Secret, a book by Rhonda Byrne, encourages people to visualize their goals clearly to attract what they want. It points out that in life, it’s not always a straight line between where you are and where you want to go. We can’t always detect when things will turn around, but perseverance, perspective, and a belief in oneself is key.


We, as humans, attract everything we want in life. Maybe the first wig didn’t work out, and that's okay, but don’t let that first time buying a wig create a negative experience for the next time. That’s with all things in life, not just wigs. With the right attitude and guidance, you will attract your perfect match. 

Isabella by Envy


10. “If You Don’t Love Yourself, How the Hell You Gonna Love Somebody Else?” – Ru Paul


Who doesn’t love Ru Paul? The queen of wigs and transformation and also the queen of good vibes. Ru has taught me to love the skin I'm in and embrace it and not judge others based on what I see. There’s nothing wrong with who you are, which means every part of you, wig and all. So if wearing a different wig every week to change up your style and vibe pleases you, I say go for it.


I hope the takeaway from this article is more than a guide to buying wigs. Elevating your life means taking the necessary steps to get there, even if that first step is scary or pushes you out of your comfort zone. Our minds are powerful, and I promise you, if you believe in yourself, drown out all the outside noise, and focus on being your true beautiful self, you will see results.

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