Selfie-Modus | Synthetische Lace-Front-Perücke (Mono-Top)
Raquel Welch
Sandy @i_be_wiggin wearing SELFIE MODE by RAQUEL WELCH in color RL29/33SS ICED PUMPKIN SPICE | Strawberry Blonde Shaded with Dark Red-Brown
Selfie-Modus | Synthetische Lace-Front-Perücke (Mono-Top)
Raquel Welch
$495.00 $215.99 - $430.99
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Raquel Welch

Selfie-Modus | Synthetische Lace-Front-Perücke (Mono-Top)

Selfie-Modus | Synthetische Lace-Front-Perücke (Mono-Top)

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
26 Reviews
Normaler Preis $420.99
Normaler Preis $495.00 Verkaufspreis $215.99 - $430.99

EXTRA 30% OFF NOW from $151.19

RL2/4 OFF BLACK | Black Evenly Blended with Dark Brown Highlights
RL4/6 BLACK COFFEE | Dark Brown Evenly Blended with Medium Brown
RL10/12 SUNLIT CHESTNUT | Light Chestnut Brown Evenly Blended with Light Brown
RL6/30 COPPER MAHOGANY | Medium Brown Evenly Blended with Medium Auburn
RL6/8 DARK CHOCOLATE | Medium Brown Evenly Blended with Warm Medium Brown
RL11/25 GOLDEN WALNUT | Medium Light Brown Evenly Blended with Medium Golden Blonde
RL12/16 HONEY TOAST | Light Brown Evenly Blended with Dark Natural Blonde
RL8/29 HAZELNUT | Medium Brown With Ginger Red Highlights
RL13/88 | Golden Pecan: Neutral Medium Blonde With Pale Honey Blonde Highlights
RL14/22 PALE GOLDEN WHEAT | Dark Blonde Evenly Blended with Platinum Blonde
RL14/25 HONEY GINGER | Dark Blonde Evenly Blended with Medium Golden Blonde
RL16/88 PALE GOLDEN HONEY | Dark Natural Blonde Evenly Blended with Pale Golden Blonde
RL19/23 BISCUIT | Light Ash Blonde Evenly Blended with Cool Platinum Blonde
RL33/35 DEEPEST RUBY | Dark Auburn Evenly Blended with Ruby Red
RL32/31 CINNABAR | Medium Dark Auburn Evenly Blended with Medium Light Auburn
RL29/25 GOLDEN RUSSET | Ginger Blonde Evenly Blended with Medium Golden Blonde
RL511 SUGAR & CHARCOAL | Steel Gray with Subtle Light Gray Highlights at the Front
RL119 SILVER AND SMOKE | Light Brown with 80% Gray in Front Gradually into 50% Gray Towards the Nape
RL56/60 SILVER MIST | Lightest Gray Evenly Blended with Pure White
RL8/29SS SHADED HAZELNUT | Warm Medium Brown Evenly Blended with Ginger Blonde with Dark Roots
RL12/22SS SHADED CAPPUCCINO | Light Golden Brown Evenly Blended with Cool Platinum Blonde Highlights with Dark Roots
RL14/22SS SHADED WHEAT | Dark Blonde Evenly Blended with Platinum Blonde with Dark Roots
RL14/25SS | Shaded Honey Ginger | Dark Blonde Evenly Blended with Medium Golden Blonde With Dark Roots
RL19/23SS SHADED BISCUIT | Light Ash Blonde Evenly Blended with Cool Platinum Blonde with Dark Roots
RL31/29 FIERY COPPER | Medium Light Auburn Evenly Blended with Ginger Blonde
RL38 SMOKED WALNUT | Light Brown with 50% Gray
RL51/61 ICED GRANITA | Lightest Grey Progresses to a Deep Grey at the Nape
RL10/22SS SHADED ICED CAPPUCCINO | Light Brown Shaded with Medium Blonde
RL17/23SS ICED LATTE MACCHIATO | Honey Blonde shaded with Cool Blonde and Dark Roots
RL4/10SS ICED JAVA | Off Black Shaded with Dark Brown
RL8/12SS ICED MOCHA | Medium Brown shaded with Dark Blonde
RL9/24SS ICED CAFÉ LATTE | Dark Brown shaded with Golden Brown
RL5/27 GINGER BROWN | Warm Medium Brown Evenly Blended with Medium Golden Blonde
RL6/28 BRONZED SABLE | Medium Brown Evenly Blended with Medium Ginger Blonde

CLEARANCE UP TO 50% OFF $215.99 - $252.99 Colors below!
Clearance colors indicate open box items.
RL30/27 RUSTY AUBURN | Medium Auburn Evenly Blended with Strawberry Blonde
RL16/22 ICED SWEET CREAM | Pale Blonde with Slight Platinum Highlighting
RL29/33SS ICED PUMPKIN SPICE | Strawberry Blonde Shaded with Dark Red-Brown
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Selfie Mode von Raquel Welch verleiht Ihrem Look mit seinen langen Schichten und der welligen Textur Glamour. Diese lange Perücke ist aus hitzebeständiger synthetischer Tru2Life®-Faser gefertigt, die endlose Stylingmöglichkeiten bietet. Die verlängerte Spitzenfront von Schläfe zu Schläfe sorgt für einen realistischen Haaransatz. Die Memory Cap III passt sich der Form Ihres Kopfes an und sorgt so für einen bequemeren Sitz. Die durchgehende Monofilament-Oberseite verleiht Ihnen einen natürlichen Look, indem sie den Eindruck erweckt, als ob Haare aus Ihrer Kopfhaut wachsen.

  • Für optimale Ergebnisse beim Stylen von hitzebeständigen Fasern empfehlen wir eine Temperatur zwischen 135 °C und 152 °C.

Clearance Sale: Clearance colors indicate open box items, backed by the quality assurance. We gladly accept return of all eligible clearance products no later than 30 days from the original ship date with $0 restocking fees. Read our store policies for the full details.
BRANDRaquel Welch
COLLECTIONSignature Collection
CAP DESIGNExtended Lace Front, Monofilament, Wefted / Basic
HAIR FIBERHeat Friendly Synthetic Wigs
TEXTUREHeat Friendly Wigs
MEASUREMENTSFront: 13" | Crown: 17" | Sides: 15" | Nape: 12" | Back: 15"


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✓ 0 $ Wiedereinlagerungsgebühr (keine Gebühren, im Ernst!)

✓ Schnelle Rückerstattungen (auf Ihre ursprüngliche Zahlungsmethode)

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Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
Based on 26 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 22 Total 4 star reviews: 2 Total 3 star reviews: 2 Total 2 star reviews: 0 Total 1 star reviews: 0
92%would recommend this product
Does the style match the picture?Rated 1.6 on a scale of minus 2 to 2
Is the cap true to size?Rated -0.0 on a scale of minus 2 to 2
How would you describe the density? Rated 0.4 on a scale of minus 2 to 2
26 reviews
  • JD
    Jennifer D.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Would you recommend this style? Yes
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 weeks ago
    This is my dream hair!!

    Get it!

  • MW
    Melanie W.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Would you recommend this style? Yes
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    3 weeks ago
    Wish I could!!!

    Apparently I have a big head, lol. There’s no way I can fit an average cap so this beauty is going back. Makes me want to cry, literally. The large cap selection is HORRIFIC!

  • JR
    Jessica R.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Would you recommend this style? Yes
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 month ago

    I absolutely love this color! The hairline is impeccable! I can't think of one negative thing about this piece!

  • KA
    Kelli A.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Would you recommend this style? Yes
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 month ago
    Beautiful waves and the perfect red!!!

    This is an extremely comfortable wig, although I do wish it was made in monofilament versus open weft. The waves are perfectly soft and the red is spot on! This was my first Raquel Welch wig and I’m extremely pleased with this purchase. And I even got it on special/open box! Love!

  • SF
    Sara F.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Would you recommend this style? Yes
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 month ago
    Just order-you won’t regret it!

    I’m new to wig wearing. I’ve been experiencing hair loss due to having lupus and have been so confused about all the wig options. I ended up ordering an expensive human hair wig and it was uncomfortable and the hairline just wasn’t working for me. I came across this wig through instagram and figured with the affordable price tag I needed to try it. HOLY COW! It’s stunning and so natural looking! After the shock wore off I sat there crying because I haven’t felt this beautiful in a long time! Definitely worth trying!

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