Strahlende Schönheit | Synthetische Lace-Front-Perücke (Mono-Teil)
Brea Davis @getwiggywithbrea wearing RADIANT BEAUTY by GABOR in color GL8-10 DARK CHESTNUT | Rich, Dark Brown with Coffee Highlights
Strahlende Schönheit | Synthetische Lace-Front-Perücke (Mono-Teil)
$341.00 $144.99 - $298.99
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Strahlende Schönheit | Synthetische Lace-Front-Perücke (Mono-Teil)

Strahlende Schönheit | Synthetische Lace-Front-Perücke (Mono-Teil)

Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
138 Reviews
Normaler Preis $144.99
Normaler Preis $341.00 Verkaufspreis $144.99 - $298.99

EXTRA 30% OFF NOW from $101.49

GL 6-30 MAHOGANY | Dark Brown with soft Copper Highlights
GL8-10 DARK CHESTNUT | Rich, Dark Brown with Coffee Highlights
GL 8-29 HAZELNUT | Coffee Brown with Soft Ginger Highlights
GL10-12 SUNLIT CHESTNUT | Rich Brown with Caramel Highlights
GL18-23 TOASTED PECAN | Ash Brown with Cool Blonde Highlights
GL10-14 WALNUT | Dark Ash Blonde
GL 11-25 HONEY PECAN | Darkest Blonde with Pale Gold Highlights
GL12-16 GOLDEN WALNUT | Dark Blonde with Cool Highlights
GL14-16 HONEY TOAST | Dark Blonde with Golden Highlights
GL14-22 SANDY BLONDE | Golden Blonde with Palest Blonde Highlight
GL15-26 BUTTERED TOAST | Medium Blonde with Light Blonde Highlights
GL16-27 BUTTERED BISCUIT | Medium Blonde with Light Gold Highlights
GL 33-130 SANGRIA | Intense Fiery Red
GL 30-32 DARK COPPER | Copper Red
GL 29-31 RUSTY AUBURN | Medium Auburn with Subtle Ginger Highlights
GL27-22 CARAMEL | Reddish Blonde with Pale Gold Highlights
GL 8-29SS SS HAZELNUT | Coffee Brown with Soft Ginger Highlights
GL11-25SS SS HONEY PECAN | Chestnut brown base blends into multi-dimensional tones of brown and golden blonde
GL14-16SS SS HONEY TOAST | Chestnut brown base blends into multi-dimensional tones of medium brown and dark golden blonde.
GL15-26SS SS BUTTERED TOAST | Chestnut brown base blends into multi-dimensional tones of medium brown and golden blonde.
GL23-101SS | SUN-KISSED BEIGE | Dark golden blonde base blends into multi-dimensional tones of lightest beige blonde
GL23-101 SUN-KISSED BEIGE | Beige Blonde with Platinum Highlights
GL14-22SS SS SANDY BLONDE | Dark golden blonde base blends into multi-dimensional tones of medium gold blonde and light beige blonde
GL12-14 MOCHA | Dark Blonde with Medium Blonde Highlights
GL 27-29 CHOCOLATE CARAMEL | Dark Ginger Blonde
GL16-27SS SS BUTTERED BISCUIT | Caramel brown base blends into multi-dimensional tones of light brown and wheaty blonde.
GL29-31SS SS RUSTY AUBURN | Chocolate brown base blends into multi-dimensional tones of medium copper and amber.
GL613-88SS CHAMPAGNE BLONDE | Dark golden blonde base blends into light golden blonde with glints of platinum blonde.

CLEARANCE UP TO 50% OFF $144.99 - $173.99 Colors below!
Clearance colors indicate open box items.
GL 2-6 BLACK COFFEE | Darkest brown
GL 4-8 DARK CHOCOLATE | Rich Dark Brown
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BESTSELLER | Die Perücke Radiant Beauty von Gabor hat eine lange Silhouette und ist mit einer durchgehenden „geknüllten“ Lockenstruktur ausgestattet, die Ihre Persönlichkeit zum Strahlen bringt! Der Monofilament-Teil mit Spitzenfront ermöglicht verschiedene Scheiteloptionen und ein Styling, das vom Gesicht abweicht. Der derzeitige Top-Salontrend ist die dekonstruierte Welle. Dieser Stil verleiht Ihnen lange, geschichtete Wellen und frei geformte Locken. Es gibt nicht nur fünf wunderschöne neue Perücken in einer Vielzahl der modernsten Texturen und Längen, sondern diese neuen Stile sind auch in Soft Shades erhältlich. Gabors brandneue Palette subtiler, verwurzelter Farben, die bemerkenswert realistisch aussehen. Die Schnitte und Farben, aus denen diese neue Kollektion besteht, sind alle speziell darauf ausgelegt, Ihnen einen lockeren, „unfertigen“ Casual-Stil zu verleihen.


  • Transparente, 1 ½" tiefe Spitzenfront für einen dünnen, natürlich aussehenden Haaransatz
  • Monofilamentteil
  • Mit Samt ausgekleidete Ohrlaschen
  • Mit Samt gefütterter verlängerter Nacken
  • Ultradünne Einsteller im Nacken für eine individuelle Passform.

Clearance Sale: Clearance colors indicate open box items, backed by the quality assurance. We gladly accept return of all eligible clearance products no later than 30 days from the original ship date with $0 restocking fees. Read our store policies for the full details.
CAP DESIGNLace Front, Mono Part, Wefted / Basic
HAIR FIBERSynthetic Wigs
TEXTUREWavy / Curly Wigs
MEASUREMENTSFront: 10.25" | Crown: 10.25" | Sides: 11.25" | Back 11.25" | Nape: 10"


Kundenfreundliche Rücksendungen

✓ 45 Tage (ab ursprünglichem Versanddatum)

✓ 0 $ Wiedereinlagerungsgebühr (keine Gebühren, im Ernst!)

✓ Schnelle Rückerstattungen (auf Ihre ursprüngliche Zahlungsmethode)

✓ Vorausbezahltes Versandetikett* (oder verwenden Sie Ihr eigenes)

*Ausführliche Informationen finden Sie in den Geschäftsbedingungen .

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Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
Based on 138 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 98 Total 4 star reviews: 18 Total 3 star reviews: 10 Total 2 star reviews: 6 Total 1 star reviews: 6
84%would recommend this product
Does the style match the picture?Rated 0.8 on a scale of minus 2 to 2
Is the cap true to size?Rated 1.3 on a scale of minus 2 to 2
How would you describe the density? Rated -0.3 on a scale of minus 2 to 2
138 reviews
  • SU
    Sandra U.
    Verified Buyer
    Would you recommend this style? No
    Rated 3 out of 5 stars
    3 months ago
    Change in quality

    I just purchased my 4th Radiant Beauty wig and the quality seems to have gone downhill. Less density and tangles more easily. I’m not afraid of big hair so loved this wig but may have to re-think this brand after years of buying Gabor. I thought of switching to the Epic again but read that the quality of that is no longer the same either. What’s going on Gabor?? Very disappointed.

  • MR
    Marion R.
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Would you recommend this style? Yes
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    6 months ago

    So very happy with radio and beauty perfect fit for me happiness to all

  • M
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Would you recommend this style? Yes
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    7 months ago
    Very cute curly wig, wish it was longer

    The style is very flattering. I'm looking very hard for a longish, curly wig, and this was the best I was able to find. I'm happy with it but wish it was longer. I also wish it kept that wonderful shine new wigs have. (Suggestions anyone?) I'm also struggling with colors. I ended up keeping the wig even though I wanted a darker hue. I now ordered another one, so it's costing me an arm and a leg. But it's pretty and people compliment me on my hair style. (I have yet to figure out how to respond. I'm new to wigs, sigh.)

  • V
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    I do not recommend this product
    Rated 1 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    1 Star

    Beautiful wig, but it matted too soon and sheds a lot

  • L
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    Rated 3 out of 5 stars
    10 months ago
    3 Stars

    This wig had waaaay too much hair for me - it was lovely but I considered it to be too full…

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