High Fashion | Remy-Echthaar-Perücke mit Spitzenfront (handgebunden)
Raquel Welch
HIGH FASHION by Raquel Welch in R29S+ GLAZED STRAWBERRY | Light Red with Strawberry Blonde Highlights PPC MAIN IMAGE FB MAIN IMAGE
High Fashion | Remy-Echthaar-Perücke mit Spitzenfront (handgebunden)
Raquel Welch
$3,250.00 $2,762.99 - $2,779.99
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Raquel Welch

High Fashion | Remy-Echthaar-Perücke mit Spitzenfront (handgebunden)

High Fashion | Remy-Echthaar-Perücke mit Spitzenfront (handgebunden)

Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
15 Reviews
Normaler Preis $2,762.99
Normaler Preis $3,250.00 Verkaufspreis $2,762.99 - $2,779.99

EXTRA 30% OFF NOW from $1,934.09

R4 MIDNIGHT BROWN | Black/ Brown
R6/30H CHOCOLATE COPPER | Dark Medium Brown Evenly Blended with Medium Auburn Highlights
R829S+ GLAZED HAZELNUT | Rich Medium with Ginger Highlights on Top
R2/31 | COCOA
R10 CHESTNUT | Rich Medium Brown with subtle Golden Brown Highlights Throughout
R14/25 HONEY GINGER | Dark Blonde Evenly Blended with Ginger Blonde
R14/88H GOLDEN WHEAT | Dark Blonde Evenly Blended with Pale Blonde Highlights
R25 GINGER BLONDE | Medium Golden Blonde with Subtle Blonde Highlights
R3025S+ GLAZED CINNAMON | Medium Auburn with Ginger Blonde Highlights on Top
R29S+ GLAZED STRAWBERRY | Light Red with Strawberry Blonde Highlights
SS12/22 SHADED CAPPUCCINO | Light Golden Brown Evenly Blended with Cool Platinum Blonde Highlights and Dark Roots
SS14/88 SHADED GOLDEN WHEAT | Dark Blonde Evenly Blended with Pale Blonde Highlights and Dark Roots
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„In einer perfekten Welt … würden wir alle Couture tragen.“ Diese Perücke hat die Details, nach denen Fashionistas verrückt sind: ein lässiger Schwung Pony, sanftes Volumen, großzügige Länge. Sie ist einfach … nur noch ein bisschen besser. Der Höhepunkt der „High Fashion“. Präzise geschnittene, lange, gerade Schichten sorgen für das ultimative, wunderschön verschmolzene, natürliche Gefühl. Streichen Sie das Haar aus dem Gesicht oder streichen Sie es über die Stirn, um einen verführerischeren Effekt zu erzielen. High Fashion ist Teil der Couture-Kollektion … Wer sagt, dass Träume nicht wahr werden können?


  • 100 % zertifiziertes echtes Remy-Echthaar – definiert Luxus neu mit handverlesenen, von Dritten getesteten, vollen Schuppenschichten. Das bedeutet, dass alle Schuppenschichten in die gleiche Richtung verlaufen, um ein weicheres, natürlicher aussehendes Haar mit mehr zu erzielen.
  • Pinnacle™-Kappe – Silikonbeschichtetes Stretch-Netz und strategisch platzierte Silikonstreifen sorgen gemeinsam in der gesamten Kappe für den ultimativ sicheren Sitz.
  • 100 % handgeknüpfte Knotenbasis – eine hochmoderne Knotenmethode, die natürliche Bewegung ermöglicht.
  • Verstellbarer elastischer Riemen mit flachem Haken – Klettbänder sind in einer Hülle aus elastischem Netzgewebe eingeschlossen. Kann in beide Richtungen um bis zu 1,27 cm angepasst werden, um einen bequemeren und sichereren Sitz zu erreichen.
  • Swiss Lace Front von Ohr zu Ohr – Die zarte und dennoch starke Swiss Lace Front ist ultrafein und weich, sodass sie sich perfekt an alle Hauttöne anpasst und den Anschein eines natürlichen Haaransatzes bei höchstem Tragekomfort erweckt.
  • Französisches gezogenes und doppeltes Mono-Oberteil – Verbirgt die Handknoten und ermöglicht so ein vielseitiges Styling für ein glaubwürdiges Aussehen und extremen Komfort.

BRANDRaquel Welch
COLLECTIONCouture Collection
CAP DESIGNLace Front, Double Monofilament, 100% Hand Tied
HAIR FIBERRemy Human Hair Wigs
TEXTUREHeat Friendly Wigs
MEASUREMENTSFront: 10.5" | Crown: 15" | Sides: 13" | Back: 14" | Nape: 11.5"


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✓ 45 Tage (ab ursprünglichem Versanddatum)

✓ 0 $ Wiedereinlagerungsgebühr (keine Gebühren, im Ernst!)

✓ Schnelle Rückerstattungen (auf Ihre ursprüngliche Zahlungsmethode)

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Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
Based on 15 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 10 Total 4 star reviews: 2 Total 3 star reviews: 2 Total 2 star reviews: 0 Total 1 star reviews: 1
80%would recommend this product
Does the style match the picture?Rated 0.0 on a scale of minus 2 to 2
Is the cap true to size?Rated -1.0 on a scale of minus 2 to 2
15 reviews
  • MM
    Melissa M.
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    I do not recommend this product
    Would you recommend this style? No
    Rated 1 out of 5 stars
    9 months ago
    Price keeps increasing while quality decreases . Buyer Be Ware!

    I have been ordering this style for many years , typically every 8 -11 months. This is now the third consecutive one in I have received from wigs.com that does not have the lace cut as it should. About a year and a half ago I got one that I felt was defective because it had a seam that ran horizontal down the middle of the lace and made a visible line/ dent in my forehead. After emails and pictures I was told by a wigs.com rep it was not defective but they have noticed that the lace isn't getting cut at the factory as it should. I was told I would need to buy 60 dollar scissors to cut at the seam.

    After pushing back I was sent the scissors for free. (thank you) The next two came with the lace not cut as it should have so I have to cut it myself. I didn't bother saying anything with number two because it wasn't a surprise. And if that was the only thing wrong with this one, I probably wouldn't have said anything again,

    Now there is a pattern and I really feel these should be quality inspected before sending them to customers or wigs.com should be transparent in the advertising that the lace isn't cut as indicated and scissors are required.

    When I got this one the extra lace ran all the way down to the ear tabs. The other two only had it across the forehead area.

    The fit on this one is completely different. It does not come down in the back as far as they always have and it is incredibly uncomfortable on my ear where it rubs. I am constantly lifting it off my ear.…

    W Profile picture for Wigs.com
    9 months ago

    Melissa, Thank you for your feedback. This manufacturer has changed factories and with a change like this comes changes in both details and quality. unfortunately, we share your frustration. The differences are noticed by many and we are trying to convey experiences like this in and effort to elicit positive change.

    The lace is listed as extended/ ear to ear lace and they claim it is ready to wear. we do see that it is longer in the front by just a bit but if your forehead is not long, you may need to cut/customize the lace front. We will adjust the description to include the feedback you introduced.

    We do get all our wigs directly from the manufacturer and are factory fresh pieces... the problem is the factory they are coming from is different. The manufacturer claims they are negligible differences and they are not defective, but we too do see differences which are not appreciated by long time wearers of this style.

    Melissa, we are thankful for your long time loyalty and understand your frustration. a customer care rep will contact you.

  • A
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Would you recommend this style? Yes
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    11 months ago
    High Fashion Remy

    Excellent the quality is superb!

  • CC
    Claudia C.
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    I loved it but it was too short.

    I need this one longer please.

  • A
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    Rated 3 out of 5 stars
    2 years ago
    Beautiful hair but baggy cap

    Although the hair was beautiful and the hairline was nice the cap was very baggy. The silicone netting did not adhere to your head I just kind of laid there and didn’t have any molding properties for a comfortable fit.

  • A
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    2 years ago

    Delighted with the piece. It is beautiful!

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