Lace-Front-Perücken werden aus einem dünnen, netzartigen Material hergestellt, in das sorgfältig Haare eingearbeitet werden. Strähne für Strähne werden die Haare von Hand eingebunden, um einen möglichst natürlich wirkenden Kopfhauteffekt zu erzielen. Diese Spitze ist empfindlich, was bedeutet, dass sie eines der empfindlichsten Teile einer Perückenkappe ist.
Wie bei Strumpfhosen oder Strümpfen muss das Spitzenmaterial mit Vorsicht behandelt werden. Unsachgemäße Pflege kann dazu führen, dass die empfindliche Spitze reißt oder irreparabel beschädigt wird. Aber im Gegensatz zu Ihren Strumpfhosen und Strümpfen können Sie Ihre Spitzenfront nicht mit klarem Nagellack „retten“!
Lektion 1: Seien Sie kein Schnürsenkelzerrer
Als ich noch am Anfang Perücken trug, war ich sehr verunsichert. Ich zog und zerrte ständig an der Spitze vorne. Dieses Zerren führte dazu, dass die Spitze in der Nähe der Ohrenlaschen ausfranste, kleine Risse und Brüche bekam und, am schlimmsten, die gefürchtete Verformung, bei der die Spitze vorne aussah wie gewellte Chips.
Lektion 2: Verziehen der Lace-Front-Perücke
Nachdem sich zu viele Lace Fronts verzogen hatten, suchte ich nach Informationen. Ich kontaktierte einige „Perücken-Schwestern“ in den sozialen Medien. Ich stellte viele Fragen, ob meine Lace-Probleme auf einen bestimmten Perückenfehler zurückzuführen waren oder ob ich das Pech hatte, einen Herstellerfehler zu erhalten! Ich erhielt eine Fülle von Antworten und Theorien darüber, warum meine Lace dem Test der Zeit nicht standgehalten hatte.
Ich brauchte ein paar Jahre und ein paar ruinierte Perücken, bis mir klar wurde, dass es tatsächlich an mir lag. Ich machte einen Fehler.
Lektion 3: Meine Perücke nicht richtig platzieren
Wenn Sie wie ich unter vollständigem Haarausfall und einer Glatze leiden, haben Sie vielleicht vergessen, wo Ihr Haaransatz eigentlich begann. Normalerweise empfehle ich, diese 4-Finger-Regel als Richtlinie zu befolgen.
Messen Sie 4 Finger vom Nasenrücken oder Brauenknochen nach oben, um den Bereich für die Platzierung des Haaransatzes zu bestimmen. Diese Technik ist ein guter Ausgangspunkt dafür, wo Ihre Spitzenfront sitzen sollte. Bei Bedarf können Sie die Platzierung Ihres Haaransatzes in kleinen Schritten nach oben oder unten verschieben. Der Haaransatz ist von Person zu Person unterschiedlich, daher müssen Sie herausfinden, was sich für Sie richtig anfühlt und am besten zu Ihrer individuellen Gesichtsform und Ihren Gesichtszügen passt.
Um zu sehen, wie ich meine Lace-Front-Perücken anbringe, lesen Sie hier alles darüber.
Meine aktuellen Lace Front-Favoriten
Einige der Lace-Front-Perücken, die mir diesen Monat besonders gut gefallen und die ich mir gekauft habe, fallen überraschenderweise alle in die Kategorie Bob-Länge.
Drive von Ellen Wille in Pastel Blonde Rooted
Meine erste Wahl ist Drive. Es ist sofort nach dem Auspacken perfekt und ich fühle mich immer so gut, wenn ich es trage!
Carrie Lite von Jon Renau in Shaded Sun ( 27T613S8)
Diese Kappe aus der neuen SmartLace Lite-Kollektion von Jon Renau ist so leicht und bequem. Sie eignet sich auch perfekt für Hochsteckfrisuren!
Unfiltered von Raquel Welch in Fiery Copper ( RL31/29)
Der Haaransatz der Raquel Welch-Perücken ist jedes Mal wunderschön. Dieser kürzere, wellige Stil ist einfach so lustig und feminin.
Hi Kelly,
Great question! Generally your lace front should lay just before your hairline for a seamless transition and natural appearing hairline. It is important to note that this may not be the case for everyone and ultimately your lace front should lay where you feel most comfortable and confident when wearing your hair. To better assist you, please feel free to contact us directly at 1-800-581-2001 or email customerservice@beautyandhair.com. Our team of Experts would be happy to help you!
Best Regards,
The Wig Experts
I have an odd question. After I find where my hairline starts, should the front of the lace be on my hairline or where the actual hair starts on my wig and the lace lays in front of my hairline. Hope this makes sense.
Hello Ruth,
Yes, the lifespan of heat-friendly(HF) wigs can be shorter compared to non-heat-friendly synthetics. You may notice your heat-friendly styles have less shine and softer feel upon first wearing your HF styles however they tangle and frizz at the ends more quickly. This is due to the friction when rubbing against our shoulders or clothing, heat below 350 degrees will not damage the fiber and may help smooth this frizzing effect. When wearing HF styles, using a synthetic detangler is a must! This will protect the fibers from the friction and help your HF style lasting longer. We hope this information is helpful to you. You are welcome to contact us directly for more tips and tricks regarding care and how to make your wigs last longer.
We are pleased to offer you the benefit of licensed cosmetologists on staff ready to assist you and provide expert advice on color and style. If you would like to speak to us directly, please call toll-free 1-800-581-2001 (outside the U.S., please call 1-214-443-4848). Licensed cosmetologists are available to take your call Monday through Friday, 8:00AM to 6:30PM CST.
Best Regards,
The Wig Experts
I want to add my comment regarding upstage by raquel welch, it is my absoute favorite wig, bought so many, but alas i have stopped, when it arrives its beutiful after two or three wearings it begins to frizz and then becomes unwearable in no time, i have mentioned this many times o the people at beauty and hair but seems to make no impact. i i try to stay away from heat friendly as it should be correctly called heat UN-friendly
My wigs are getting frayed on the ends. I’m i doing something wrong or could it just be regular wear on the wig?
They seem stiff
Hello Marissa,
You’re right, synthetic fiber and heat-friendly synthetic fiber are more prone to tangling especially when compared to human hair or biological hair. We recommend using a wide tooth comb and gently combing up the strands while holding the knots before reaching the cap or base to prevent tension on the cap.
The right care products and regiment is crucial to getting the most wear from your hair. Washing your synthetic wigs with synthetic shampoo and conditioner every 7-9 wears is recommended. In between your washes you can use synthetic detangler to prevent tangling, restore moisture, and provide the fibers with a protective coating. If your wigs begin to feel stiff, this may indicate they are in need of a good wash and conditioning or product build up.
We are here to help! You are welcome to book a virtual consultation or send us images and information about your current care regiment so we can better assist you with your pieces and guidance on care. If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact our customer service team Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 6:30 pm CST. Call TOLL FREE 1-800-581-2001 or email customerservice@beautyandhair.com.
Best Reards,
The Wig Experts
Hi Joanne and Maggie,
Great question! Unfortunately itchy lace fronts are a common concern for many of us who wear hair. Generally this discomfort comes from the friction or poking sensation while wearing our wigs or toppers. This issue can also feel worse for those dealing with certain hair loss conditions or chemotherapy treatments that may cause our scalps to feel more sensitive than usual.
Luckily this can be avoided. Wearing your wig should be a comfortable and secure experience. We can avoid or curb this itchy feeling from friction or being poked by our lace front wigs and toppers the following ways:
Make sure your wig is properly fitted for you. Measure before you purchase to ensure you get the right size.
When wearing your wig, be sure to use your adjustable tabs to make sure your wig fits securely and comfortably to prevent moving or sliding back and forth while wearing your hair.
Try using a Wig Secure band. These will also help your wig from moving as much while wearing your hair and preventing that unnecessary friction and irritation.
Try an adhesive! Our Blue Adhesive Tape For Swiss Lace is perfect for all types of lace fronts. Gentle enough for lace but secure enough to keep your lace in place all day! Be sure to use the Lace Release or Let Go Adhesive Remover with this product for a gentle removal when taking your wig or topper off for the day.
We are pleased to offer you the benefit of licensed cosmetologists on staff ready to assist you and provide expert advice on color and style. We also now offer Virtual Consultations! Book your appointment today. We would love to help anyone learn how to measure for a wig and our Experts have a number of tips and tricks that may be helpful to you!
If you would like to speak to us directly, please call toll-free 1-800-581-2001 (outside the U.S., please call 1-214-443-4848). Licensed cosmetologists are available to take your call Monday through Friday, 8:00AM to 6:30PM CST.
Best Regards,
The Wig Experts
I only wear Upstage by Racquel Welch. I love her BIG BUT the nape hair goes bad and nappy
Soon after a few wearing!! Please ask her to
do something about that!! It’s a beautiful and popular wig so maybe she does no feel she needs to improve….sad. I’m going to check out Drive by Ellen Willie
Hi Kim
Loved the article. I’ve only had one lace front wig and destroyed it with the tugging.
I was able to postpone its demise by cutting the lace a little.
Now I know what went wrong and am willing to try again.
I have a question, what do you use, glue or tape?
Thank you <3
Thank you for putting this information together. Although I do not use the type of wig, I found the suggestions very helpful in general.
I want to use toppers to fill out my thinning hair. I just can’t get them to look like they do in the photos. It is a little daunting and I could benefit from these kinds of instructive tips with photos. It would give me more confidence.in working with the toppers.
That wig is beautiful on you. You can not tell it’s a wig.
These helpful hints are outstanding! I’ve worn “spare hair” for almost 15 years. I’m going to save this information in my files for those who ask me questions… the answers are all here and, thank you for this!
You are a beautiful woman… and wear each wig beautifully! I love the lace-front wigs.. however, I am quite a bit older and my spare-hairs are all short and now white. So many to choose from, thank goodness! I’ve overbought so many times but figure I’m worth it. Many become my favorites and I re-order, numerous times.
Keep up the good work. I’m so thankful for wigs.com.
Lace front wigs itch me. I like them but after several minutes of wear I am itching and uncomfortable. Does anyone else have this problem or does anyone know a trick to alleviate it.
My main problem with synthetic wigs is how easily they tangle. Will untangling eventually ruin delicate hand tied wigs? How do I untangle without pulling out hairs and ruining a wig?
How can I tell when a wig needs to be washed? I’ve noticed some of mine are getting a little stiff. Is that an indicator of needing a wash?
I am using from the Raquel line of wigs and have nevr been disapointed. love her wigs!
Oh so true, I warped a few lace fronts before I figured it out. I found that placing a wet washcloth on the lace before removing it helps to loosen the ‘It Stays’ glue and the wig slides right off.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the tips! I too have complete hair loss and am always looking for tips! I usually gently pull by the ear tabs to adjust my wigs throughout the day. Natural oils and sweat do make it move, as well as talking, laughing and chewing food. The struggle is real!! AND finding wigs for little heads like mine :)
I find the lace very itchy…any suggestions