Long Hair Wigs

How To Take The Frizz out of Synthetic Wigs

We all love synthetic wigs. I mean, what’s not to love? They’re beautiful, affordable, colorful, and just all around a gals best friend. With all the selection of synthetic wigs out there, it’s hard to believe that more people don’t wear them. One common problem that can occur with synthetic wigs is that frizz can make an appearance after some wear.

Frizz can happen because synthetic hair is made from a fiber that isn't natural hair, so we must care for them a bit differently. And don't be discouraged if this has happened to you, it takes a little practice! So today, we’re going to talk about how you can take frizz out of synthetic hair and get back to the amazing style you had when you first opened the box.

How To Tame Frizzy Wigs

Jon Renau Wig Steamer

Our first item we would like to feature which we've found to be a lifesaver for a frizzy wig, is the Jon Renau Wig Steamer. This wig steamer is one of the best in business and is actually the only heat styling tool recommended for synthetic styling. Highly favored and gawked at by many happy frizz-free customers, it’s no wonder this piece is so popular. 

Luster Serum by BeautiMark

Another one of our favorite frizz-free products that’s also available on Wigs.com is the Luster Serum by BeautiMark. And the ultimate perk about this baby is that not only does it block out humidity and give you zero frizz, it also adds luster and a natural shine without making your hair look fake or weighing it down. And honestly, who could want more than that? Check out more synthetic wig products from BeautiMark and give your wig the ultimate treatment! 

Hair Serum for Wigs

Synthetic Hair Styling from BeautiMark

And our last product that we want to feature today is the 3pc Essentials Styling Must Haves. This kit has everything you need for gorgeous, smooth and sleek style. Add controlled textured to your wig with the Velvet Spray Gel, use the Shaping Cream to get your style formed to your liking, then finish off with the Purifi Spray for a look that smells amazing! Beautiful, easy, and simple, the Styling Kit is a must-have fun anyone struggling with a frizzy wig!  

How do you tame your wig frizz? We want to know your secrets, so tell us in the comments section below!

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